Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Week Down

After 40+ weeks, she finally arrived!!! Here's a quick rundown of delivery day:

6:30 am - Arrive at hospital

7:15 am - Wth paperwork finished and a short doctor visit, pitocin is started to induce labor

1:30 pm - Ater enjoying a pretty easy day of very bearable contractions, my doctor arrives to break my water

1:35 pm - What in the world!?!! Are my contractions supposed to be this strong right after he breaks my water?!?! Okay...I can hold off until 2:30 to get the epidural.

2:15 pm - Okay...I've held off as long as I can. GIVE ME DRUGS!!!!

2:35 pm (or so...who's looking at the clock now??) - Okay...that's a little more tolerable, but I don't remember the epidural with Kallie being so painful.

5:00 pm - Nurse: "If you start feeling alot of pressure, let us know."

5:10 pm - Me: "Ummm...I'm feeling alot of pressure now!!!!!! Get this baby out!!!!" Note: I am not pushing at this point. And the last time they checked me, I wasn't ready to push yet.

5:11 pm - Me" "GET THIS BABY OUT!!!!!"

That thought continued to be voiced. Well, that and, "I can't do this...just leave her there!!!"

5:28 pm - Dr. Wolford: "'s a girl!"

And so she was born. It was unbelievably fast...which made it unbelievably overwhelming...but it was over :)

Several people have asked about her name, which was not final until the morning I went into the hospital. Anyone who knows Reuben knows he has a penchant for the unusual. This goes for names as well. He didn't want anything too common...I didn't want anything too weird. We threw a couple of names around before she was born, but couldn't ever really agree on anything.

So a couple of weeks ago, Reuben suggested Angelyn. He had never heard the name and just came up with it on his on. He didn't know, however, that it was my grandmother's middle name as well - so it was pretty special. Still, I wasn't really sure. I like to shorten names (which, thinking about it, you can't really do with Kallie either...) and I didn't want to shorten it to Angie or Angel, but we couldn't think of anything else that we liked. And then, when she got here, I couldn't think of anything else that would have fit her. It's just perfect for her.

Rose...yeah - no special meaning. We just thought they were pretty together.

Anyway, here's a video of pictures of her from the first couple of days. On a side note, Kallie is doing REALLY well with Angelyn. She loves to get diapers and blankets for us and loves to give Angelyn her pacifier (and has only given it to her bear a couple of times!!). We think she's going to make a great big sister :)


Lindsay (aka Linz) said...

What a beautiful video! She is precious. So happy for you. :)

Lucydolls' ramblings said...

Hi, you have no clue who I am, but my parents were really good friends with Rubens folks. We always tho't alot of the Rinker family. I am not sure how I happened upon your blog, but your baby is so sweet and your family is awesome. Tell Ruben hello from the Aman family. My parents were Wayne and Virginia Aman.

Lisa Aman Patrick

alicia said...

Congratulations on the new little one. She's a little doll.